Archive for the ‘womens empowerment’ Category

Engaging women in Bhutan’s new democracy
This is a staff post by Rinchen Choden, one of our Bhutan Field Coordinators. It originally appeared on the website of IREX, a READ Global partner organization. In Bhutan, women […]

Where women go to learn their letters and become leaders
This is a guest post by Anh Ton of the The Asian Philanthropy Forum that originally appeared on their site, featuring READ Global’s work to empower women globally. A lot […]

10 ways to empower women
1 Create a safe space: Women in South Asia often have nowhere to gather with other women and talk about issues like gender equity, women’s rights, or health. READ Centers […]

Puppets for women’s rights
How do you teach an entire community about serious, uncomfortable, and stigmatized topics? With puppets, of course! Gender discrimination is rampant in Nepal. Nearly half of women can’t read, and […]

Women choose leadership over chores in Bhutan
Unlike many developing countries, in Bhutan, women inherit the family property rather than men. As a result, most girls in the villages end up at home to help their parents […]

READ Nepal wins innovation award
In August, READ Nepal received a Public Library Innovation Award from Electronic Information for Libraries (EIFL) at the IFLA WLIC 2013 for its commitment to empowering women in innovative ways […]

Meet Barsa – “The Library has Become my Hands”
Barsa Silwal is a 39-year-old widowed mother of two from Chitwan, Nepal. When her husband passed away, she struggled to provide food and shelter for her son and daughter. Her […]