Archive for 2014

Understanding Your Body – A Practical Guide to Women’s Health in Bhutan
With limited health education available to them, many women in Bhutan do not know basic health and hygiene skills. Some health issues are taught in schools, such as hand washing […]

Finding Resilience in Fulbari, Nepal
In 2014, READ Global staff member Shannon Kimball visited Nepal to see READ’s work for the first time. Below she writes about the READ Center that inspired her the most. […]

Job Skills Training to Empower Women in India
From media attention about sexual assault to an increased focus on the 33% of women who are illiterate, women’s empowerment in India is a growing national issue. One area in […]

11 Things You Might Not Know About Global Poverty
1 Inequality between the wealthiest and poorest people on the planet is shocking. Just 85 people have the same amount of money as almost half of the global population. Imagine […]

Nepal Village supports its Library through Turmeric
Imagine you are a rural farmer, like over 80% of the population of Nepal, who relies on the limited crops you can grow on your land to feed your family. […]

A Journey in Images: READ Model Center, Nepal
This is the second of a two-part guest blogger series from READ Nepal volunteer Melanie Avery on her experience with READ Global in Nepal. Have you ever wondered what a […]

Being an “Illiterate” Australian in Nepal
This is the first of a two-part guest blogger series from READ Nepal volunteer Melanie Avery on her experience with READ Global in Nepal. Ka, Kha, Ga, Gha, Nga – […]

READ India launches 13th Center in Rajasthan
READ is proud to announce the opening of our 13th Center in India, the Mohini READ Center in Devli village, Bharatpur, Rajasthan on May 9, 2014. Only 70% of people […]

Video: Women Represent in the “Happiest Place” – Bhutan
In Bhutan, the Himalayan Kingdom renowned for the concept of Gross National Happiness (GNH), half the population has reason to be less than satisfied. Women generally do not hold leadership […]

Introducing International Women’s Education Day
This guest blog post is written by Osmara Vindel, creator of The Butterfly Club. Osmara and her peers are generously raising funds for women’s resources and empowerment programs at the […]